Museum Games – Guelph Museums Puzzle Challenge #4
This week’s #MuseumGames puzzle forms an image from an E.R. Bollert Advertising Card, 1899. E.R. Bollert & Co. sold fine gentlemen’s clothing and furnishings at 27 Lower Wyndham Street.
The advertising card boasts, “”Fine Ordered Clothing. We solicit your patronage for our Tailoring Department, and among others, for the following reasons:
1st. Our stock comprises the choicest goods to be found.
2nd Our variety is very extensive.
3rd We employ first-class Cutter, and turn out only superior work.
4th Our prices are from 15 to 25 per cent lower than you usually pay for clothing of equal quality.
Fine Dress Suitings, Stylish Business Suitings, Strong Wearing Suitings, Fine Over-coatings and Choice Trouserings. See Our Unequalled $3.50 and $4 Pantings.”