
Tammy Adkin
519-836-1221 extension 2775
[email protected]

Dawn Owen
Curator, Museums & Culture
519-836-1221 extension 2774
[email protected]

Jagroop Mehta
Supervisor of Museum & Culture Experiences
519-836-1221 extension 2773
[email protected]

Tanya Mazziotti
Administration Coordinator
519-836-1221 extension 2771
[email protected]

Linda Fazzari
Program Bookings and Rentals Coordinator
519-836-1221 extension 3552
[email protected]

Ken Irvine
Education Coordinator
519-836-1221 extension 2772
[email protected]

Laura Coady
Collections and Research Coordinator
519-836-1221 extension 2776
[email protected]

Katie Worthen
Collections Assistant
519-836-1221 extension 3392
[email protected]

Devin Hogg
Community Relations Coordinator
519-836-1221 extension 2778
[email protected]