
Your support enables Guelph Museums to preserve and share the stories of our community through stewardship of our collection, engaging experiences, and compelling exhibitions. All of this – made possible because of you – contributes to a knowledgeable, engaged and connected community.

Thank you for supporting Guelph Museums! Whether you direct your donation to the Civic Museum, McCrae House, Locomotive 6167, or for general purposes, please know that we value and appreciate so much your investment in the work we do.

Monetary donations of $20.00 and more are eligible for a tax receipt.

Online donations can be made through Eventbrite.

Credit card donations can be made by phone at 519-836-1221.

Cheque donations can be mailed to:

Guelph Museums
52 Norfolk Street
Guelph, ON N1H 4H8

For more information please call, 519-836-1221.