Archive: Musings

Sunset valley view. White text overlay reads Artist's Inspiration: Girl Power

Artist’s Inspiration: Carol Tinga

We invited local artists to respond to the theme of Girl Power as part of our Wall of Art series, a quarterly juried art show produced in partnership with Guelph…

Sunset valley view. White text overlay reads Artist's Inspiration: Girl Power

Artist’s Inspiration: Tina Newlove

We invited local artists to respond to the theme of Girl Power as part of our Wall of Art series, a quarterly juried art show produced in partnership with Guelph…

Sunset valley view. White text overlay reads Artist's Inspiration: Girl Power

Artist’s Inspiration: Tania Orton

We invited local artists to respond to the theme of Girl Power as part of our Wall of Art series, a quarterly juried art show produced in partnership with Guelph…

Exterior of the Civic Museum

#architectureMW: Guelph Civic Museum and the Loretto Convent

This week, we are celebrating Museum Week 2016 with cultural organizations around the world. Today’s theme is #architectureMW, and for Guelph Museums, our Civic Museum’s building is rich with history.…

Many post its with hand written holiday memories stuck on a white wall.

Favourite holiday memories from the community

With Hanukkah just ending and Christmas in full swing, the memories wall has been filling up inside the Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah: Traditions in Guelph exhibition! The exhibition explores celebrations from past…

Child's note reading The First time I went to a storm game

Sports memories from the community

If you’ve had a chance to visit our Sports Guelph Played exhibition, you may have noticed the interactive Sports Memories Wall.  The exhibition explores many interesting stories about Guelph’s famous…

Guelph Maple Leafs

George Sleeman, the Guelph Maple Leafs and the Americanization of Canadian baseball

As one of the first Canadian baseball presidents to hire American players, George Sleeman was credited (…or discredited) as being responsible for the Americanization of the Canadian game. In 1999,…

Cutten Fields postcard

The legend of Arthur Cutten and his hidden fortune

Arthur Cutten was born and raised in Guelph and remains a figure of local legend and mystery with many reminders of him left throughout the city. Among them is Cutten…