Fourth Friday: Matt Zaddy with Heather Christine
Guelph Civic Museum 52 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaEvery Fourth Friday of the month enjoy free admission to the Civic Museum from 5 to 9 p.m., and a free concert starting at 7 p.m. Cash bar. Preregistration is…
Light A Candle: Figures with Silver Candlesticks in Medieval Illumination
Guelph Civic Museum 52 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaBack by popular demand, Debbie Thompson Wilson leads this watercolour workshop, providing participants with a choice of images based on medieval manuscript illuminations that include silver candlesticks, taking inspiration from…
Tales from the Hill: Guelph Guild of Storytellers
Guelph Civic Museum 52 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaTales from the Hill is presented by the Guelph Guild of Storytellers and features a guest teller in addition to Guild tellers. The evening includes hot cider, light refreshments, and…
Fourth Friday: A Verese Vassell-Bowen Holiday
Guelph Civic Museum 52 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaUpdate! This event is now SOLD OUT! Every Fourth Friday of the month enjoy free admission to the Civic Museum from 5 to 9 p.m, a free concert starting at…
Holiday Break Toys & Games For Families
Guelph Civic Museum 52 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaLooking for a fun holiday activity? Visit the Civic Museum and try out some classic toys from our education collection. Our programming room will be filled with toys, games and…
Tales From the Hill: Guelph Guild of Storytellers
Guelph Civic Museum 52 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaTales from the Hill is presented by the Guelph Guild of Storytellers and features a guest teller in addition to Guild tellers. The evening includes hot cider, light refreshments, and…
Reading Between The Rows: In Conversation with Our Waters
Guelph Civic Museum 52 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaTeioháte Kaswenta, or Two Row Wampum, was made between the Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and early settler-colonial states (1613, 1664). It symbolized 'Two Peoples' – settler and Indigenous…
Military Lecture: From Wartime Refuge to Peaceful Hippie Haven: Generations of Youth on Grindstone Island
Learn how a private island on Big Rideau Lake, Ontario was presented, experienced, and embodied as a refuge for youth endangered by or alarmed by war. Between 1917 and 1963,…