Erin Go Bragh – A St. Patrick’s Day Tale
A seemingly mysterious photo in the Guelph Museums collection actually has quite the story.
An OAC Review (vol.35, no.8) article titled, “In the Name of St. Patrick” tells the tale of a great St. Patrick’s Day campus battle. On March 17, 1923, a clash broke out between a group of freshmen and sophomores. The first clash was brief and when the freshman and sophomores observed members of the senior class abstaining from St. Patrick’s Day festivities, they decided to join forces and march on Mills Hall for a second clash of the day.
With fire hoses and nozzles shooting in every direction, the battle went on until upper powers stepped in and the supply of water fell short.
Shortly after, the students returned to their green neckties and celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with hope the battle of March 1923 would not be forgotten. A dinner victory was celebrated in true Irish fashion.
Photo: O.A.C. on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 1923
ID: 2009.32.1315
Photo: Hosing Down at O.A.C., March 17, 1923 Photo: O.A.C. St. Patrick’s Day Group Photo, March 17, 1923
ID: 2009.32.1307 ID: 2009.32.1314