Archive: Blog

Call for Proposals: McCrae House Backyard Theatre

Proposal deadline: Monday, December 16, 2019 Guelph Museums is currently seeking proposals from playwrights, storytellers, and/or musicians to produce a summer theatre production for July 2020. In 2015, Guelph Museums…

Large group of frosh, predominantly men, standing infront of War Memorial Hall at the University of Guelph.

Cap-tivated: Frosh at the O.A.C.

Back to school time is right around the corner. Bright eye students getting ready for a fresh start and settling into a new school year. Before there was the University…

Guelph Mercury “Trip of a Lifetime”

In the fall of 1909, at a time when travel was alluring and rare, the Guelph Mercury announced the “Trip of a Lifetime” subscription contest.  The contest boasted “a free…

Lovett Signs – A Short History

When the Guelph Mercury ceased operation in 2016, the building that housed the newspaper’s headquarters was closed, and the iconic dimensional globe sign that proclaimed the Mercury site was donated…

The Doctor Goes North – John McCrae and the Earl Grey Expedition

Lord Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada from 1904 to 1911, travelled extensively throughout Canada and in 1910 became the first governor general to visit Hudson Bay. The expedition he…

Decolonizing Guelph’s Founding Story

As we acknowledge and celebrate the 192nd anniversary of the founding of Guelph by Scottish novelist John Galt, it is important that reflect on how we position our settler heritage within…

Footsteps of John McCrae lead to new appreciation

Written by Tammy Adkin, Guelph Museums Manager When I was 17 years old, I was chair of the Peace and Justice Club at Assumption College School.  I wore “Ban Nukes”…

Diamond grids of many ontario mueums and cultural attractions.

May is Museum Month, how are you celebrating?

Museum month is coming to a close and museums across our region have been celebrating with programs, events, and exhibitions. This month, when you explore the museums in your own…