Auditions: Guelph In Postcards – The McCrae Years (1872-1918)

Guelph In Postcards – The McCrae Years (1872-1918)

An original new play will be performed in the backyard of the McCrae House, the birthplace of the poet John McCrae.

Guelph in Postcards transports the audience to the time of John McCrae.  Snapshots of Guelph’s history are brought to life inspired by real postcards. Images and sentiments from postcards are woven amongst events of the day.
The audience will be introduced to John McCrae, David McCrae, Janet McCrae, Wilfred Laurier, Rudyard Kipling, James Gay, Stephen Leacock, Henry Higginbotham, Edward Johnson, Adelaide Hunter Hoodless to name a few. Visually the audience is treated to postcard images of the day. In the early 1900’s this show might have toured to the Guelph Opera House only to find it closed and so the performance is set up in the backyard of the McCrae cottage. Bring your parasols and your straw hats to the garden to see Guelph In Postcards – The McCrae Years (1872-1918). No Talcum Powder allowed!


Tues March 21 6:30pm – 9:00pm, Thurs March 23 7:30pm-9:00pm, Sat March 25 10:30am-4:30pm and Sun March 26 12:00pm-4:00pm
Location – Guelph Civic Museum, 52 Norfolk St.


4 actors: 2 male, 2 female playing multiple characters and ages


Monologue of your choice any style/period.
Recite a poem of your choice and show other talents (instrument, sing, dance).

Please call or email Jay Wilson to book your appointment

(519) 820-3269 – [email protected]

Posted by Dawn Owen on March 10, 2017

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